Share Your Win
At Legacy Church we love celebrating Wins! A Win is anything God has done in your life. It could be financial provision, a physical or emotional healing, a revelation of God's love for you, how you prayed for someone, or anything else God has done in or through your life.
Sharing a win, or a testimony as the Bible calls it, is powerful. “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.” Revelation 12:11 NLT. This passage in Revelation is a promise to us that one of the most powerful weapons we are commanded to use is “the word of our testimony.” Remembering our testimonies and sharing them with others is a way to build our faith and the faith of those around us. You've been given authority to overcome the enemy by sharing your testimony. "Whether you want to share how you just began your relationship with Jesus, received an answer to prayer, or were completely surprised by something God did in your life, we want to hear about it!"
Share Your Win